by Royal Holiday
Museum Mexico City

Mexico is a country with a rich cultural and historical legacy. Mexico City is a living testimony of its past. With an abundance of museums and historic sites, it’s a paradise for history and art lovers.

On this occasion, we will tell you more about this city’s cultural life with more than 52 museums. If you wish to know what museums are worth visiting, we will share with you some options! We’ll let you know which one we consider the best. Additionally, you’ll find some travel tips so you can stay in the most vibrant area of this locality.





The Chapultepec Castle is a majestic site that not only offers a deep look at the history of Mexico. Also provides impressive views of the city!

Situated at the top of a hill in Bosque de Chapultepec, has a rich and varied history. Originally, it was built in 1785 as a residence for the viceroys of New Spain. Throughout the years, the castle has served multiple purposes: from the headquarters of the Military College to the official residence of Mexican presidents.

Nowadays, the Chapultepec Castle houses the National Museum of History (inaugurated in 1944). It is one of the most important museums in the country. It offers a rich collection of artifacts that narrate the history of this nation from pre-Columbian times to the Mexican Revolution and beyond.

In addition to the indoor exhibitions, the Chapultepec Castle is also famous for its beautiful gardens and terraces. Decorated with sculptures, fountains, and a great variety of plants, with a calm and serene environment that contrasts with the city’s hustle.

From the castle’s terraces, the panoramic views will allow you to find unparalleled accommodation that the Royal Holiday membership lets you enjoy: The Gallery at My Place Condesa. In this cozy apart-hotel, you will have all the comforts of a great resort in a warm and intimate setting. It is located in one of the liveliest neighborhoods in Mexico City.





Although the Chapultepec Castle is a must, Mexico City has a wide offer of museums that also deserve to be explored. Some of the most notable include:

  • National Museum of Anthropology: located in Bosque de Chapultepec, this museum is famous for its vast prehistoric artifacts collection, including the Aztec Sun Stone and the Mexica art collection.
    National Museum of Anthropology-Mexico city
  • Frida Kahlo Museum: also known as “Casa Azul”, this museum is dedicated to the life and art of the famous painter Frida Kahlo and it is found in the Coyoacán neighborhood.
    Frida Kahlo museum
  • Soumaya Museum: located in the area of Polanco, this museum has an impressive art collection that goes from prehispanic times to contemporary art, including pieces by Rodin and Dalí.
    soumaya museum - mexico city

Mexico City is an unmissable destination for history and culture lovers. With its wide range of museums and historical sites, every visit offers a new opportunity to learn and explore.


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