Backpackers in their route when in South America, the most popular countries they choose are Peru (where Machu Picchu is a must), Colombia with its different landscapes and weathers amuse tourists and is in Cartagena, the most exciting city where the Colonial architecture complements the beautiful scenarios beaches offers. For last but not least, another country chosen for backpackers in their rout in South America is Ecuador. Actually, in Ecuador they spend more than expected because this country still keeps legacy of most of the indigenous communities living there. Furthermore, in Ecuador they can also spend time crossing the country and crossing different landscapes and weathers as well as in Colombia. They have amazing beaches, beautiful towns, small cities that work as big cities in Latin America do. Before planning your visit to Ecuador, check this itinerary that for sure will be meaningless compared to what you will see and experience in this country where magic, mystic and nature play all together for offering people who go there one of the most exciting experience while traveling they could have.

Image courtesy of Peri Apex at
Let’s start our visit from the south, after visiting the Inca country, Peru. Before the starting point you already have different kinds of rout to choose. It depends on your likes. For example, you can start exploring the Amazon forest while spending some days at different indigenous communities. Or, tacking the rout from Lima and bordering the east coast of Peru, you can get until Tumbes that is a Peruvian town and in Tumbes you can get a taxi that will take you to the border city Huaquillas where you will cross the border with Equator.
Then, in Huaquillas you should go to Guayaquil that is the biggest city of Equator and the most important access for visiting the Galapagos Islands. Furthermore, Guayaquil is the most ancient city so that you can appreciate the architecture that domain the city during the past years, since 1530 the year of its foundation. Plus, you can sale the Guayas river during the day or at night since Guayaquil owns its name to this river. If you are feel passion for nature, you can have a visit to Galapagos Islands that are the habitat of species that you can observe and interact with only in the archipelago.
Then, there is a town inside the country that is magical since nature manifestations dance all together and make Baños de Agua Santa a very special place. The biodiversity makes Baños de Agua Santa or La Puerta del Dorado (The entrance to El Dorado) one of the most visited cities in Equator. Sports such as rafting, kayaking, canopying, mountain biking could be practice there. Also, there are waterfalls and thermals that are the origin of the name of this lovely city.

Image courtesy of Simon Matzinger at
You can say you have been in Ecuador if you miss the city La Mitad del Mundo (Middle of the World City). As its name says, this city is located just in the middle of the world and there is an older monument where a photo having your feet in both hemispheres is mandatory.

Image courtesy of Sheep”R”Us at
Your next stop is the capital city of Quito. This city has a beautiful historic center and art is everywhere. Transportation is very good at Quito because there are trolleybuses, bus rapid transit system and Bicycle sharing system. Now a subway is under construction. In the historic center you can’t miss Basilica del Voto Nacional, Church of San Francisco, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Cathedral of Quito, Plaza Grande, Antiguo Hospital Militar. This city has a lot of history to show.
Your trip in Equator is almost finishing and you can have fun, party and enjoy its beautiful beaches, Right? So that, you have a lot of options to visit but the most recommendable are Montañita and Puerto Lopez. Montañita is a very small town that was known thanks to some surfers who enjoyed its beaches and from little by little Montañita gain fame among tourists. Its visitors are young people mostly and the rustic style its houses and bars rim with the wild forest environment it has. Night live is also an attractive for young people, especially on weekends when thousands of local tourists arrive to its beaches. On the other hand, Puerto Lopez has the Machalilla National Park. Definitively Puerto Lopez is a place to explore with patient and love. Diving activities, fish markets as well as tours into opened sea are the seals that distinguish Puerto Lopez from many other places you have been at. Finally, your trip in Equator has finish but if you have the enough time to visit other cities, do not hesitate on it. Take your backpack and be your guide. Until next destination that might be Colombia. Are you ready?