Perfect Powder, Perfect Vacation – Family Ski Trip Tips

ski royal holiday

While some people like to spend their vacation time relaxing on the beach, many others feel the best way to enjoy their time off involves a big mountain, plenty of powdery snow, and a pair of skis strapped to their feet. A ski vacation can be a lot of fun, but many people feel intimidated by the expense of obtaining all the required gear, not to mention the simple fact that skiing involves some very fast downhill travel. However, by following these tips, you can enjoy a safe and economical winter holiday.

Planning a ski trip requires understanding how the ski season works. The most expensive “peak” periods tend to occur in the days between Christmas and the New Year, as well as during Spring Break. By booking a trip before the first flakes fall, you can save a lot of money. You can lower your spending even more if you can assemble a large group, which can help defray the costs of everything from lodgings to lift tickets. For those who don’t own their own equipment, rentals can be expensive. Therefore, you should borrow things from friends whenever possible or go online to seek out used gear.

A family ski vacation can be even more challenging, especially for kids without any experience skiing. While planning your vacation, be sure to call and ask about the ski school at prospective resorts. When you get to the mountain, be sure your children stay hydrated and start each day with a hearty breakfast to keep them energized. Explain the plan for what to do if they become lost. Focus your plan on directing them to landmarks or authority figures, and consider reading up on common skiing safety tips. Finally, remember that many kids aren’t aware of altitude sickness. If you plan on going to a resort above 8,000 feet, watch out for symptoms like weakness, headaches, or nausea, and be ready to take sickly kids back to the lodge or down the mountain.

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