Sneeze No More – Tips for Vacationers with Allergies or Asthma

vacation allergy

Allergy tips

For people who suffer from allergies, asthma, or related disorders, traveling can present

extra headaches. The problem can be especially obnoxious on summer vacations, when

hiking through the mountains or enjoying a road trip can be stymied by high pollen

counts or strenuous activities. However, if you take a few precautions before setting

out, you’ll be able to breathe more easily, no matter where you go.

Before embarking on your trip, be sure to make an appointment with your doctor, who

can provide specific advice tailored to your personal needs. Procure any necessary

medications at home and pack them in your carry-on luggage, in case your checked

baggage is lost. You and your travel companions should also understand what to do in

an emergency, such as a severe allergic reaction, asthma attack, or other situation when

medical intervention may be required. Any equipment you bring, from peak flow

meters to inhalers, should be in proper working order and kept on your person at all

times. Consider bringing backups, especially when heading to a remote location, as

being over-prepared is better than the reverse. Those with severe allergies and asthma

should also consider making plans for health care at their destination by purchasing

vacation insurance and identifying local hospitals where treatment can be obtained if


Mitigating and preventing symptoms before they become a problem will also help you

avoid disruptions to your trip. Heavily polluted cities with poor air quality should be

removed from your itinerary in favor of other locations. Second-hand smoke remains a

problem in much of the world, including on some foreign airlines, so be sure to do

research ahead of time and always try to sit as far from any smoking areas as possible.

Wherever you go, it may be worth paying more for a newer hotel, as they are more

likely to be free of mold. In addition, those with food allergies should consider writing

this information down on a card in the local language, so they can more easily

communicate their condition to waiters and chefs.

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